Загадки о животных.
Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile -
It's ... (A CROCODILE.)
As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walls
It's ... (FOX)
A very long nose.
It grows and grows,
He is huge and likes fun.
It's ... (AN ELEPHANT)
A lot of spots,
A long, long neck
A funny scarf.
It's a ... (GIRAFFE)
He is not a tailor,
But carries needles with him.
(A hedgehog)
What has a cat which no other animal has?
(A kittens)
What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down?
(A bat)
It's grey, but it's not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a horse,
With hools, but not a horse.
What is it?
(An ass, a donkey)
The animal that is very timid and is afraid of everything is ...
(A hare)
The animal that has a red bushy tail is ...
(A fox)
The animal that sleep all winter in a den is ...
(A bear)
The animal that has a beautiful year skin with black stripes is ...
(A tiger)
The animal that has a pouch in which she xarries her babies is ...
(A kangaroo)
The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is ...
(A camel)
The animal that has a horn on its nose is ...
(A rhinoceros)
The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is ...
(A zebra)
The animal that can hang by its long tail is ...
(A monkey)
The animal that has a long trunk is ...
(An elephant)
The animal that has long hair around its neck is ...
(A lion)
A little fellow
Dresses in grey,
Hops here and there
And never goes away.
(A sparrow)
It sleeps in the day-time,
It flies at night
And frighens passers-by.
(An owl)
There hangs a sieve,
Made by no man's hands.
(A web)
Not a horseman, but wears spurs.
Not a watchman, but wakes people up.
What is it?
(A cock)
Загадки о родственниках.
A person looked at a portrait and said:
"Sisters and brothers have I none,
But the man in the portrait
Is my father's son".
My father's son is not my brother. Who is he?
If your aunt's brother is not your uncle, what relation is he to you?
(My father)
If Dick's fatheris Tom's son, what relation is Dick to Tom?
(Tom is his grandfather)
What relation is that child to its father, that is not its father's own son?
(It is a father's daughter)
Two people are walking along the street. one says: "This is my father's house, but i am not his son." Who is the speaker?
(The father's daughter)
A big German and a little German were walking down the road. The little German was the big German's son; but the big German was not the little German's father. Who was the big German?
(The big German was his mother)
Tree taxi-drivers had one brother, but this brother had no brothers of his own. Why?
(He had three sisters)
There lived three workers, who had a brother called John. However John himself had no brothers. How do you explain this?
(He had sisters)